Monday, March 9, 2020

Which Type of Essay Organization Places General Topics in No Specific Order?

Which Type of Essay Organization Places General Topics in No Specific Order?Many students and teachers alike are wondering which type of essay organization places general topics in no specific order, with the order which it presents its information. What is the truth?If you asked me, my answer would be 'don't ask me.' In fact, I would be surprised if you get my answer right away. But then again, I am also not interested in being right.If you know anything about me, your chances of being able to guess that I have a short-term memory is very low. On the other hand, if you know that I have a long-term memory, you could say that I am better off guessing what I am supposed to do, rather than looking up things in a comprehensive list and making up the order for me. That is the first point. However, let us try to come up with an answer.Let us start with the first point. The fact that a human has a short-term memory is not evidence for my answer. That said, the short-term memory will only la st for an hour at most. Hence, a certain amount of time will have passed when we learn something new.However, the type of essay organization does matter. This is not because the essay organization places general topics in no specific order. Rather, the type of essay organization places general topics in no specific order in order to display each point and part of the essay.After each point, there will be a brief paragraph of information about that point. If you ask, 'what is the name of the essay organization?' then I would point out that there are numerous ways to display all information, but you need to be aware that it takes less time to learn it the first time.Thus, the answer of the question is in a way, the reason why many teachers and students ask the question. I am trying to add some color to the picture.In conclusion, you will be able to find a type of essay organization, if you look hard enough. However, if you still cannot remember it after asking hundreds of questions, i t is still a good idea to start with an original structure. Just remember that the type of essay organization you choose must be an effective one. And by this I mean that you should make use of logic and remember that your teacher did not say you are smarter than anyone else.

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